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All paper request cards should be completed in full (see above), and all information provided should be clearly legible. Any missing information or errors will result in a delay to specimen processing and reporting.

Correct patient and specimen information is vital for us to provide a quality service to our users. Any specimens deemed to be high risk or potentially high risk should be clearly labelled as such to protect the health and safety of all staff.

As we provide our service to a range of service users, please also state the type of unique patient identification number given, e.g. NHS, district, MRN. Please also indicate whether the patient is an NHS, private or waiting list initiative patient.

If a patient is part of a research project, this should be clearly labelled on the request card to ensure that the specimen undergoes the correct procedures. Similarly, patients that are part of a screening programme, e.g. BCSP BOSS, should be clearly labelled.

(Last reviewed February 2025)