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For clinical advice during normal working hours (Monday – Friday) call 0161-276-8788/8854 or via switchboard 0161 276 1234

  • Urgent testing within routine hours (0161) 276 4424
  • Tracking Advice within routine hours (0161) 276 8788
  • Results Advice within routine hours (0161) 276 8788
  • Out of hours for urgent specimen testing (0161) 276 1234
  • Out of hours for urgent medical advice (0161) 998 7070

Contact details for clinical advice

Name External Numbers
Specialist Registrar (0161) 291 4784/4863
Clinical advice line (0161) 291 2885
Hospital Switchboard (0161) 998 7070

The Microbiology department at Wythenshawe Hospital has transferred to Oxford Road Campus. All specimens should be transported to the the central specimen reception at Wythenshawe pathology as rapidly as possible after collection to avoid compromising results. Specimens may be transported via normal portering rounds/transport arrangements during the normal working day. When bacteriology and virology tests are to be performed, on the same specimen, a separate specimen for each laboratory is preferred to ensure timely receipt and processing in each laboratory. Specimens are then transported six times (weekday) and three times a day at the weekend to the microbiology and virology laboratories at the Oxford Road Campus.

Laboratory Opening Hours

The laboratory is open:

  • Monday to Friday: 8.00am -5.00pm
  • Saturday: 8.30am – 12.30noon
  • Sunday: 8.30am – 12.30noon

The total workload is approximately 1,000,000 specimens per annum.

Outside of working hours and Bank Holidays please contact the on call Biomedical Scientist through Switchboard (0161 276 1234) for urgent requests.
All specimens are tracked to the microbiology department at Oxford Road Campus. Specimens are transported at 08:30, 9:00, 11.00, 13:00, 15:30 and 18:30 Monday – Friday. At the weekend specimens are tracked and transported to Oxford Road Campus at 9:00, 11:00 and 16:00. Any tracking queries can be telephoned to 0161 276 8788 within routine hours.

All specimens are tracked to the microbiology department at Oxford Road Campus. Specimens are transported at 08:30, 9:00, 11.00, 13:00, 15:30 and 18:30 Monday – Friday. At the weekend specimens are tracked and transported to Oxford Road Campus at 9:00, 11:00 and 16:00. Any tracking queries can be telephoened to 0161 276 8788 within routine hours.

Any urgent samples must be phoned through to the microbiology laboratory on 0161 276 8788 or there may be a delay in the processing of these samples. For any urgent requests outside of working hours contact the on call Biomedical Scientist through Oxford Road Campus Switchboard (0161 276 1234). Wythenshawe specimen reception will arrange for the specimens to be transported to the Oxford Road Campus by courier.

A team of Clinical Microbiologists remains onsite at Wythenshawe Hospital to provide microbiological clinical advice to service users.

Use of pneumatic tube

Samples that MUST NOT be sent via the pneumatic tube:

  • All respiratory samples such as pleural fluid in blood culture bottle, sputum, BALs etc.
  • Samples for mycobacterial investigation, including samples sent in Myco/Lytic culture bottle
  • CSF samples
  • Damaged or leaking specimens
  • Precious and unrepeatable samples.

All other specimens, e.g. swabs, tips, clotted bloods, blood cultures, faeces and urines can be sent via the pneumatic tube. If you have any doubt about the suitability of sending a sample via the pneumatic tube system, contact the pathology specimen reception on ext: 4819

Obtaining results or clinical advice

For clinical advice during normal working hours (Monday – Friday) call 0161-276-8788/8854 or via switchboard 0161 276 1234.

Providing clinical information and an accurate description of the nature of the specimen are important for correct processing and reporting by the laboratory. Please indicate clearly on the request form if there is a history of foreign travel.

Preliminary culture results are available 24 hours after specimen receipt (at the earliest), and sensitivities usually after a further 24 hours. For ‘special’ samples such as blood cultures and CSF, the microbiologist will inform the clinicians of initial significant results as soon as they are known.

Please refer to the antibiotic guidelines in the first instance for the commoner microbiology enquiries regarding treatment. New or junior doctors should discuss queries with their own clinical team before calling the Medical Microbiologist.

For infection control advice alone, the infection control nurses can be contacted on extension 2630 or bleep via switch during routine working hours.

Sensitivity results are reported as follows:
S= Sensitive (fully)
I= Susceptible at increased exposure
R= Resistant


All urgent results will be telephoned when requested or if there is a clinically significant result a Microbiologist or BMS will contact the requesting ward.

For other results/enquiries during normal working hours: Tel: 0161-276-8788/6333/4306

Out-of-hours service

The Microbiology out-of-hours service is an Emergency Service.

A limited number of investigations are offered out of normal laboratory hours (i.e. 17.00 – 08.30 weekdays, 12.30 to 08.30 Saturdays, and 08.30 to 08.30 Sundays and Bank Holidays) where urgent results are required. The duty BMS can be contacted through hospital switchboard (0161 276 1234).

The following tests are available as appropriate:

  • Paediatric Emergency Admission urines Children <3 months old
  • Paediatric Emergency Admission urines Children >3 months old with a Dipstick positive for Leucocytes or Nitrates
  • CSF (Cell Count & Culture) Samples requiring TB investigations cannot be processed out of hours, Ascitic / Peritoneal Fluid (Cell Count & Culture)
  • Joint Fluids (Gram stain & Culture) Crystal investigations are performed by Histopathology, cell differential performed by Cytology (separate sample and request required)

Sterile Fluids from all areas will be considered for processing after discussion with the BMS on call, samples requiring investigations that require lone containment level 3 working will not be performed

For urgent out of hours processing of samples adopt the following protocol:

1. Call the Biomedical Scientist (BMS) on-call, via the switchboard after you have collected the specimen.
2. Transport of the specimen to the laboratory in a timely fashion is the responsibility of the ward, not of the BMS on-call and should be via the portering system or pneumatic tube.

Contacting the MMMP

Contact details for infection services

Manchester Medical Microbiology Partnership (MMMP) main telephone: 0161 276 8788

Option 1: Microbiology and Virology Results and General Enquiries (Routine Hours- 8:30 – 17:00pm)

Option 2: Virology (Routine hours- 9:00 – 17:00pm)

1. To notify urgent specimen for Virology within routine working hours

2. For Virology medical advice within routine working hours

Option 3: Microbiology (Routine Hours- 9:00 – 16:45pm)

1. To notify urgent specimen for Microbiology

2. Medical Advice for the Oxford Road, Trafford or Wythenshawe sites

3. Medical Advice for Tameside Site via switchboard

Option 4: Out of Hours

1. Virology or Microbiology On-Call Services via switchboard

2. Tameside Site via Switchboard

Option 5: Vaccine Evaluation Unit / Meningococcal Reference Unit clinical advice (Routine Hours- 8:00 – 17:00pm)

Option 6: Wythenshawe specimen tracking advice (Routine Hours 8.30 to 17:00pm)

(Last updated November 2024)