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Professor Jane Eddleston

Joint Group Medical Officer

Board Member

Professor Eddleston is a Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia in Manchester Royal Infirmary. She is also the Clinical Chair of the Greater Manchester Critical Care Operational Delivery Network, a member of the Faculty Board for Intensive Care Medicine and was the Department of Health Advisor for Critical Care from 2005 till March 2011 during which time she chaired a number of working groups such as the ROCS document “Higher Risk General Surgical Patient”, RCOG “Maternal Critical Care” and was the clinical lead for NICE 50, a member of the RCOP working group to develop a National Early Warning Score and a member of the NICE Short Guideline group which wrote the NICE 83 guidance on Rehabilitation after Critical Illness.

She has extensive Clinical and Managerial experience in Critical Care and Acute Care and is the Chair of the Clinical Reference Group for Adult Critical Care.